Current information
regarding the effects of the measures to contain the spread of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 on the city tours from Betty BBQ
Betty BBQ Travesty & Entertainment adheres to the recommendations and specifications of the health authorities for the city tours, which are all events in small formats with fewer than 100 participants.
Since April 3rd, 2022, the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg no longer provides for any significant protective measures.
Nevertheless, we ask that you observe our following hygiene concept and agree with the distance, mask and hygiene recommendations:
Maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people, maintaining adequate hygiene, wearing a medical mask or a respirator (FFP2 or similar), wherever the minimum distance of 1.5 meters from other people cannot be maintained we think it makes sense and recommend it. There is no obligation to do this at our events.
hygiene concept
We follow a hygiene concept for all our city tours and events. This consists of various components and we summarize them below.
Please always compare the following statements with the official, state regulations for containing the corona pandemic. Since the regulations sometimes change quickly, we cannot accept every change on a daily basis. In case of doubt, only the state regulations that apply on the day of the event are essential. You can always find out more for yourself on the website of the state government of Baden-Württemberg at:
When conducting our city tours, the focus is on the safety and entertainment of our guests. So that everyone can participate calmly and in accordance with the rules,
- we recommend keeping a minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other people on our city tours wherever possible (distance recommendation).
- we recommend wearing a medical mask or a respirator (FFP2 or comparable; mask recommendation) wherever the distance recommendation cannot be observed,
- and also ask, in the spirit of responsible self-monitoring, to only take part in our city tours if you feel healthy and, in particular, do not have a fever and are responsible for hygiene (hygiene recommendation). Regardless of the current situation, this should be a matter of course to protect yourself and others – especially old and weakened people.
Our employees are also required to comply with all of the above regulations, of course washing and disinfecting their hands regularly and disinfecting work and utility surfaces is required.
These regulations and obligations are part of our general terms and conditions for city tours.
You can obtain further information on the current pandemic from the following government information services in particular:
- Federal Ministry of Health: https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/coronavirus.html
- Federal Center for Health Education: https://www.reinigungsschutz.de/coronavirus-sars-cov-2.html
We will update this information as soon as possible to reflect new developments.
STATUS: 03.04.2022
You want to support Betty BBQ and the Betty BBQ team during this difficult time? Then we would be happy about a donation via PayPal or the purchase of a voucher!